在日モルドバ共和国大使館 特命全権大使:ヴァシレ・ブマコフ 閣下「豊かな土壌が育む農業と最高品質のワイン 世界一大きなワインセラーを持つ国 モルドバ共和国」

But I used to work for a project with Japan. And 2014, I stayed in Agnes Hotel and apartments here in Kagura-zaka. Yes. And I really liked this area, this street, music, many shops. It’s very Japanese. And the history of Kagura-zaka is interesting as well. And it’s very close to the emperor palace. We can walk every evening. We go around the palace.
Yes, yes. Now it’s history. Most are already history. But there are interesting shrines and temple here, and it’s not far from Shinjuku Gyoen shrine as well.

So I think it is a strategic place. Because every evening we can walk to Ikebukuro and back to Shinjuku and back to central Tokyo and back, to Akihabara to we are now… every evening. Everybody is walking. Because Japan is safe. Japan is clean, it’s nice, very nice people. The only problem is that when I’m walking, I go nearby a lot of restaurants. And people are drinking and my wife sa “Don’t look there.”
We have favorite places but as we are in Japan, we are trying to see many other places. So it is not good to have a favorite place because we are for a short time in Japan, so we need to see as much as possible.
Used to be. But it is closed now. It moved to Oshiage. Martisor. It’s a kind of legend. We had a… March 1st . Everybody has a… He is the explanation of this tradition of Moldova and Bulgaria Makedonia Romania. And name is Martisor. So this restaurant is in Oshiage, near Sky-tree. And there is another one in Kameari, Noroc.

Especially story about the police man, I think.
Thank you very much for coming to see our embassy. It’s a new embassy.
But it is not like a bridge. It is a real bridge. Because we are working. Now we are in Japan and team doing our business but before I work with Japanese since 2000, I implemented Japanese programs Moldova and I traveled to Japan I think enough 18 time. I’ve been many times in japan.
Because Moldova knows a lot of about Japan. Our people know about Japan many things. They like Japanese culture, Moldovan like Japanese punctuality. We know about Japanese is a very clean country, Japanese machinery very reliable, you know.
Maybe many didn’t see it because now we have a chance to have more people to come and see the landscape of Japan, which is very nice and the mountains are very green. So we know many things from books and from the films but now Moldovan have a chance more to travel to Japan and see their beauty with their eyes.

But this is a suggestion and we would like many Japanese to visit my country because Japanese don’t know about my country, about history of my country, but all Japanese I used to work with, they really liked to, the food in my country, wine people are not to, how to say it racial in my country there, not extraordinary very kind, Japanese feel very well my country.
You know, as I said before I visited many times before Japan and every time I was very much impressed. Especially by professional engineer, can you imagine what impression the engineer can have about Japanese infrastructure about the Japanese industry and machinery and so and so. But as a former administer and professor of the university, I have learned even more important issue in Japan since I came here as an ambassador. Because you know technology is important, machinery, but society is more important that the all of that. So I have learned which is a very specific for the Japanese society, which is a very specific society, is very special society, well organized, quite mono national which has a very special respect to their country, to the values, to the culture of this country. And we have many things to learn after that. So after the first big impression about the infrastructure and all the technologies, the most important impression is how your society is organized, how your society is respectful, disciplined, very accurate, and very patriotic.

ブマコフ閣下: 貴方がたの文化と社会が最高のテクノロジーを発展させました。重要なのは西洋からの最高のシステム、言わば経済システムを自分達の状況に適用して奇跡を起こしました。第二次世界大戦後に知恵と精神力を持つということを見ることができました。素晴らしい結果です。
And to say if you more words about that, sorry because I am too much, I hope you are recording that. I need to be easy for you later to clarify because you have to memorize. I will be short, OK? Suminasen. Gomen-nasai. You know I have learned how your culture, your society could adjust the best technologies, not only from… Japan is a… developed our technologies. But the important (?) your society is that they can adapt best technologies the best, let’s say economical system from west to your situation and it made a miracle. It’s really after the world war 2 we can see the this country had the wise and mentality to a convine. This too had such a result.
You know many other countries can try to adapt. But because of their different system, sometimes it doesn’t work. But what I noticed in Japan, Japanese can make it even better. So this is very important. So you know the first car in Japan was produced in 1936. So in Europe even much earlier. But what Japanese did after that, they made it even better.
No, we, it’s no need to discuss about the car industry, which is a really developed. Electronics, computer science and I think it’s quite… but I’m impressed as well by the food technologies, which Japan develops because as a former minister of agriculture, we had to sign association of agreement with their union to negotiate, which food safety is very important. And we noticed that food safety in Japan because this is also people food safety, it is a very important technology on this country because everybody here can hear safe we are having food and drink and so and so. This is very important as well because my country as well as a big producer of a high quality products and we understand how important, it’s not easy, but very important.

But we of course can be impressed by Japanese effort in the environment and climate change. This is as well as important not only for Japan. For the whole planet. This is another very important issue which I will de-stress. And then I will say about anther one, which is not so important. You can translate.
But as a designer of farm machinery, which I used to design before the engineer, I have some objections because I think Japan didn’t pay much attention to this area to develop, only now. So I think Japan to be very good produce of farm-machinery high quality for Asia in special forest region for the new technologies. So this is what I am trying to do together with the Japanese companies because you have a very developed car industry, but when it comes to farm machinery…?
I want to convince my friends here in Japan to do this because it’s a big market for machinery in Asia. And Asia is developing quickly, so they could supply not only cars and trains but they could supply farm-machinery as well to make their work of people in the field feel easier and more efficient.

I was the Minister of administer of agriculture.
But as a designer of farm machinery, which I used to design before the engineer, I have some objections because I think Japan didn’t pay much attention to this area to develop, only now. So I think Japan to be very good produce of farm-machinery high quality for Asia in special forest region for the new technologies. So this is what I am trying to do together with the Japanese companies because you have a very developed car industry, but when it comes to farm machinery…?
Because we are changing our technology. Because the world technologies, they are not good for the nature. They are quite intensive, they use lot of fuel, they have too negative influence on the soil and this is not good. Japanese you can make more environment friendly.

You know this robotic is very important but what is the, let’s say, destination of this? Nations like Japan, to develop new technologies, it is very expensive. Should be a lot of money, and a lot of brain. So many nations cannot do this. So Japanese usually are the pioneers in developing the systems. And later, they become common, you know like mobile phone, somebody had to develop it. Now everybody can use it, like computer. Same maybe robotics will be. So Japanese are making a huge effort to their robotic technics. This is expensive not simple. But sooner or later this will be something usual. But this is a role of Japan to be a pioneer, like German, like united states, like other countries.
You know agriculture like in my country is really developed. We used to be apart of USSR and used to supply the best fruits and vegetables and best wines to USSR. Now we export to the whole world. Our number one product is wine. So if, we produce wine at the very high level. Quite healthy and organic. Of course, Japan on the main island has no these possibility of agriculture because of the landscape. But I visited with my colleague Obihiro, I was in Hokkaido. There, of course, it’s quite developed agriculture but it is not so… in Japan, this is not so important part of economy, for my country, agriculture is very important. But we have really really good experience of implementing new technologies, agriculture. We have very tasty fruits and vegetables. Every Japanese who comes to Moldova, they feel the difference if you have Sakuranbo or apple everything has much better flavor. Grape is really really tasty.

You know we have very special gramatic(?) and soil condition. Like in French “Terre”. Because many countries are making wine, but which wine is considered better? There were the special Terre. What means “Terre”, these are four. Sun, weather, soil, tradition. So this is a very special. Because you can have the best technology. You can have the best bright of lay. But the one never have been good. Because you don’t have a Terre. We were so lucky that a having cold winters and hot summers in the landscape has been accumulated a lot of black soil. Very rich soil. This rich soil, which was accumulated for millions of years, now gives a very good result all crops and fruits and vegetables and grapes. So that is, we used to be called like “The Garden of USSR” because of all these tasty fruits and vegetables.
And you had no headache next day because it is high quality.
Because in Japan, I tasted many wines and sometimes I had a big headache. No Nihon, imported to Nihon.
We have organic production, but the majority of the grape because of the very rich soils and good conditions they are all in organic. And you will notice that Moldovan wine all these has better flavor. It is more fruity than other wines.
Of course. In my countries the largest wine cellar in the world which is in the Guiness book, producing millions of bottles of sparkling wine, champagne, and different wines. We have more than 100 wineries and big chateaus and… of course you are very welcomed. And first week of the October we have a national wine day like wine festival 2 days. Every year Japanese are attending this festival. This year, I will go with 30 Japanese to Moldova.

2017, we had a big team Tomi from Nagano and this year I’m going with people from Tsuruoka, Yamagata these are the host towns for our Olympic team. So we have exchanged and we are going and showing them our wine industry.
We have very special food which fits very well with wine. But Japanese are food being paired very well with Moldvan wine, especially sparkling and white wine goes with Sashimi like this very well. And our rose with Sushi, Gyu-niku goes perfect with red wine. So. And I have ice wine and we produce grappa, we produce Cognac, which cannot make. So we have the whole range. Everything we produce. From sparkling wine to cognac.
You know in my country, farmers are producing home-made wine a lot. When Japanese come to Moldova, what they take back to Japan is home-made wine. They like it, this home-made because it is a, they know for sure it’s organic. Even I was a professor of university, I used to make wine every year.

Oh, we had a big competition because all the professors, we used to have garage and the garage of cellar. So we used to make about one ton of wine. One thousand litters, each. So used to compete (Each house?) Yes. Compete for makes better. In Moldova, in October, November, December people are competing who has better wine.
The farmers, one day, used to go. We are producing wine for more than 5000 years. Moldova used to be a part of Roman empire. But before that, we used to produce wine. So when the Farmers used to go to the field. They used to take wine with them. It was like water and food. For both. Because wine has a lot of Vitamins.
You know, to be honest, excess of every drink is not good. But people are drinking any way. So it is really very important to train people to drink high quality wine. And this way protect their health because if they drink whiskey, vodka oh this is not a good for their health at all. (?) And if we train people to drink high quality wine, they never go back to drink bad wine. Because bad wine… Good wine is expensive. So nobody would drink too much. Chotto, Chotto. So this very important to educate people to know what is good, what is healthy.
I really recommend good wine for Japanese young boys which are not married. Because many Japanese don’t marry because they are too shy. But after they have a few glasses of wine, they become more big and they tell the girls “Maybe we marry”.
This is how we can solve the problem of a population decreasing.
We have a problem as well. It is not because of declining of the fertility, problem of immigration. Many people now the boarder is opened. USSR was a closed country and we had a growing population. But after the border is opened, then, because of their, you know, the collapse of USSR economy, it was absolute inefficient because Moldova used to be an industrial republic of USSR
not only agriculture, we had the most developed agriculture in USSR but we had a lot of industry
we used to produce tractors farm-machinery, and convine harvest, electronics, we used to produce lots of electronics. But after the collapse of USSR, and the border is opened, this economy was inefficient and their factories went bankrupt. So the people have to go and work somewhere in France, in Germany, Italy, all around. So this is the population is decreasing now because of people going to work abroad.

You know, my country is going through very difficult period and in the history because the collapse of USSR created a lot of problems. So we are very grateful to Japan because Japan was one of the first country to recognize my country, independence of my country and Japan was one of the most important supporter and donor of my country to help to recover after soviet collapse.
Most communist period is very difficult. So can you imagine what have to do with the North Korea this is not so official to tell you, but after the communist regime is very difficult to recover for society. That’s why we really need support.
But slowly slowly we are changing. We have investors from Japan. We have Fujikura, Sumitomo electoric, they are having factories in Moldova, producing cables, cars. We have German investor. So slowly slowly we are recovering. But it takes time.
Integration of USSR, yeah. The majority of people, that’s true. They still but unfortunately young generation working abroad, and this is a problem for the country and we have many people which have been brought from other parts of USSR. Now they are not so they don’t understand they want Soviet union again. And this is a problem. But anyway we are working on European integration and we are very grateful to Japan that Japan is supporting the European integration of my country.
Maybe not as hard working as Japanese. But in the USSR, for sure used to be the most hard working.
No, education is really really very important. I think this is another issue which we are impressed here in Japan how Japanese are educating their children. Of course we had very good education system, sometime ago. But you know the most important is when the education starts at home. The education starts from, that’s why we have special proverb you know world times changing used to go to school at 7 years old. So (?) said that child must have 7 years from his whole, from his family. So this first period of the education is really important. And the majority of families in Moldova, this is quite known. It is very important and respected. Of course in the school, we don’t have such equipped, let’s say morales glasses(?) but nevertheless, education is good in my country. After graduating the school many of our children studying in Romania in other counties, some even are in Japan so as you know we have a community here with students, so this is an important issue, and we are trying to do our best. And it’s important that our people understand how important education is.
But all the education system now is adjusted to the European standards. So we are part of the European conventions of (?) all those system, so we hope it’s useful for the next generation.Of course it’s a bit easy Japanese because Kanji, Hiragana, Kanji, it’s not easy.

Russian. Romanian, French, English.
To be honest, I feel very uncomfortable because I am not talking in Japanese.
Because when I was young, I could learn quickly. I didn’t believe that I will be working with Japanese and coming as an ambassador, of course I do my best to understand. I am studying Kanji because it’s easy to understand even I am not a big fan of Kanji, but they help engineer because I’m a designer for me easy to remember this. Of course I understand Hiragana, Katakana. The problem is Japanese language is absolutely different from the other part of the world. For us, it’s not a problem to speak Italian which is very similar to my language. Or French, Spanish, European language is a structured in a different way. When it comes to japan, it is different one. But we like it I’m doing my best and Yela(?) I’m very happy that Yella speaks very well Japanese. Very well I don’t think anyone speaks Japanese is too complicated, but anyway. But we are doing our best to learn. I will not say Muzukashi, I would say “complicated”.

Of course, in Moldova we have a Moldova-Japanese foundation where many children are studying Japanese language. And we are working on visa free regime from 15th of February. People from Moldova with diplomatic passports can visit Japan without visa, but we hoped to raise this problem and make visa-free because many people are very interested to visit Japan. For us Japan is something very special. People want to come and visit and learn and so on. I want to be sure here. Every Moldovan has a dream to visit Japan. Everybody is dreaming to visit Japan.
Because Japan and Japanese are very good reputation in my country. What (?) Japanese considered best we consider your society very special, your people are very special. So everybody wants to visit Japan.
In my capital city, we have 7 Japanese restaurants. And only one Chinese restaurant. People are very interested in Japanese food like Sushi, Sashimi.

You will be very surprised to see that even though you have a difficult time now because of the Soviet occupation. But you will be very surprised to see we have in common many things. Yeah, we are somehow different but then I assume many things we have in common.
Moldovan dancing is very famous in the world. We have very famous composers of good music, classic music. We have a common theater which is coming to, I think (?) so they are doing performances in my country then they come to Japan and doing in Japan as well. So culturally we are quite well integrated, so many artists from Japan go to my country, some coming to Japan.
We are trying to preserve our tradition as well as Japanese because yesterday I visited, we had an honor to be at the emperor palace to say to the emperor 30th anniversary. So we’ve been there
and we looked some performance of the imperial house artist which more than, some performances which are older than 1000 years. So we like how Japanese are preserving their traditions and I would tell you that Moldovan like to preserve that traditions too.

We will have the national day in August Maybe we are celebrating September I’m not sure yet at that time. But before that, we are thinking to have some presentations, maybe wine, but best thing it’s closed in May let’s go on the 27th of March because we have this tradition in March 27th we will celebrate together four countries in the evening, then I will tell you the place for sure I hope the about the plaza (Talking in unknown language) so travel have makes, we will have the celebration of this tradition which last for a month March 1st till the end of March. So this and we will have the mayor of Tomi city from Nagano, we see friends which we will sign here and agreement of a sending to Moldova 100 Sakura trees for the Japanese foundation for the sister project for the Japanese project so minister for foreign affairs will have a Sakura there as a friendly agreement with Japan. So this will be on the 27th of March. And then May month, we will be at global JAICA plaza, you know, whole month, we will have a wine presentation country presentation, maybe some food if they will allow us do some cooking classes something very well. And then after we will see what else.
Arigatougozaimasu. OK, Thank you very much. Thank you very much.