銀座 しのはら 大将 篠原武将さん「継続は力なり。一隅を照らす、これ即ち国宝なり」

- 1 エネルギー溢れる篠原さんの幼少期
- 2 Shinohara’s childhood full of energy
- 3 部活や勉強を楽しむ中学時代
- 4 Junior high school days where he enjoyed club activities and studying
- 5 部活ではなく空手道場へ通う高校時代
- 6 When I was in high school, I went to a karate dojo instead of participating in club activities.
- 7 将来有望な空手の道ではなく、料理の道へ進んだきっかけ
- 8 What led him to pursue a career in cooking rather than the promising career of karate
- 9 篠原さんの人生の転機・分岐点
- 10 Turning point and turning point in Shinohara’s life
- 11 割烹の名店、二軒での修行
- 12 Training at two famous Japanese restaurants
- 13 懐石料理【山玄茶】での修行は…
- 14 Training at Kaiseki cuisine [Sangencha]…
- 15 割烹料理店・懐石料理での修行を経て独立
- 16 Became independent after training at a Japanese restaurant and kaiseki restaurant.
- 17 人気店になるまでやってきた工夫と努力
- 18 The ingenuity and effort that went into making it a popular restaurant
- 19 滋賀で成功、銀座で真剣勝負、やり遂げる為の秘訣
- 20 Success in Shiga, serious competition in Ginza, the secret to achieving success
- 21 『銀座しのはら』の内装、自分自身を表現した内装造り
- 22 The interior of “Ginza Shinohara”, an interior design that expresses oneself
- 23 篠原さんの『座右の銘』
- 24 Mr. Shinohara’s “Motto”
- 25 短所よりも長所を大事にして伸ばしていく
- 26 Focus and develop your strengths more than your weaknesses
- 27 人生に影響を与えた人たち
- 28 people who influenced your life
- 29 『銀座しのはら』が貸し切り予約を取らない理由
- 30 The reason why “Ginza Shinohara” does not take private reservations
- 31 今後の展開『銀座しのはら』海外出店について
- 32 Future development regarding overseas restaurant openings of “Ginza Shinohara”
- 33 料理人になりたい・お店を持ちたいかたへのメッセージ
- 34 Message to those who want to become a chef or own a restaurant
- 35 『銀座しのはら』お客様に感じて欲しい『お店のこだわりベスト3』ベスト1! 【八寸】
- 36 “Ginza Shinohara” Top 1 of “Top 3 restaurant specialties” that customers want to feel!【Hassun:Hassun is a term used in tea kaiseki cuisine to refer to food served in a square tray of approximately 24 cm square made of cedar wood.】
- 37 『銀座しのはら』お客様に感じて欲しい『お店のこだわりベスト3』ベスト2! 【器】
- 38 “Ginza Shinohara” Top 2 of “Top 3 restaurant specialties” that customers want to feel!【Dish】
- 39 『銀座しのはら』お客様に感じて欲しい『お店のこだわりベスト3』ベスト3! 【弟子】
- 40 “Ginza Shinohara” Top 3 “Top 3 restaurant specialties” that customers want to feel!【Disciple】
- 41 世界出店した際に、世界に伝えたい『日本料理の魅力』
- 42 “The appeal of Japanese cuisine” that we want to convey to the world when we open our restaurants worldwide
- 43 『銀座しのはら』へ来られるお客様へのメッセージ
- 44 Message to customers who come to “Ginza Shinohara”
- 45 篠原武将さんへの一問一答
- 46 [Question and answer to Takemasa Shinohara]
- 47 「銀座 しのはら」大将 篠原武将さんのプロフィール
Shinohara’s childhood full of energy
Yuuki: I was looking forward to today. Thank you very much.
Shinohara: Thank you very much!
Yuuki: Ginza Shinohara is a restaurant that is famous for the fact that you can’t make a reservation because there’s always no availability. Let’s take a closer look at the roots of Takeshi Shinohara, the owner of such a famous restaurant. I’m feeling a tremendous amount of energy right now as I stand in front of Mr. Shinohara…!
Shinohara: Thanks.
Yuuki: What kind of child were you when you were young?
Shinohara: Hmm, I guess I had a little more energy than other people. I don’t think I was very quiet.
Yuuki: You are from Konan City, Shiga, so what were the people around you like?
Shinohara: It was all about mountains and rice fields.
Yuuki: I see! Is it like running around this mountain in such a situation?
Shinohara: That’s right. That’s what it feels like.
Yuuki: I see. So you grew up well…what were you like in elementary school?
Shinohara: I think I was energetic at elementary school as well.
Yuuki: Are you a character in the class?
Shinohara: No! I’ve never really noticed it, though. However, I was often scolded by my teacher.
Yuuki: OK, you were growing up freely.
Shinohara: Yes, I was!
Junior high school days where he enjoyed club activities and studying
Yuuki: So what was it like when you were a junior high school student?
Shinohara: In junior high school, I enjoyed club activities and played hard, but when I was in my second year of junior high school, there were a lot of kids in my class who were good at studying, so I tried to study a little harder there, and that’s how I got closer to my current personality. I feel that way.
Yuuki: I see. What subject did you like to study?
Shinohara: Japanese class.
Yuuki: I see. Do you read it aloud?
Shinohara: I did also read it aloud. I was a kid who always talked loudly.
Yuuki: What did you do in club activities?
Shinohara: The baseball club.
Yuuki: Which position did you play?
Shinohara: I was a catcher.
Yuuki: It is the key function of the fan!
When I was in high school, I went to a karate dojo instead of participating in club activities.
Yuuki: How was your time in high school?
Shinohara: In high school, I also did karate that I started around the end of junior high school, but I felt much better with karate.
Yuuki: Is that a karate club?
Shinohara: No. It’s not a club activity. I was doing that at the dojo.
Yuuki: Was there a dojo in your neighborhood?
Shinohara: Well, it wasn’t in the neighborhood. It was a 20-30 minute walk from a few stations on the train, so it was quite far.
Yuuki: Did you decide to go there because you thought you wanted to do karate?
Shinohara: A classmate of mine was doing karate, and he invited me to go see it. When I went for a tour, the master took my body measurements and said something like, “This is the size of your dogi.” That’s how I started it.
Yuuki: I’m sure they knew you would be good at it, right?
Shinohara: No! It felt like I’m trapped.
Yuuki: I see!
Shinohara: Yes!
Yuuki: Was your body in great shape even back then?
Shinohara: That’s right. I was fit. I was much thinner than I am now, but I was also quite tall.
Yuuki: I guess you’ve gotten a lot stronger through karate, haven’t you?
Shinohara: That’s right. I’ve won quite a few different competitions.
What led him to pursue a career in cooking rather than the promising career of karate
Yuuki: Have you never thought about becoming a karate athlete and establishing yourself?
Shinohara: Actually, I thought I would finish learning karate in high school.
Yuuki: OK, I feel like it’s a bit of a waste though.
Shinohara: Yes! Everyone around me told me not to quit, but I had decided that I would quit karate after I graduate from high school. Actually, I had never thought about what I was going to do next, and all I could think about was vaguely, “I’m going to quit karate.”
Yuuki: Is that so? Unexpectedly by the reason “reluctance”?
Shinohara: That’s right. After all, karate hurts, right? It’s too painful.
Yuuki: So you decided to quit. And there was nothing in particular that you wanted to do next.
I think your parents influenced you when you were a student, but what kind of person was your father?
Shinohara: He was quite an energetic person. I think that sums it up in one word.
Yuuki: Your father was also a chef, right?
Shinohara: Yes. he had been running an izakaya restaurant for a long time, and when I was still young, he even worked as a manager at various restaurants. From around the middle of the lower grades of elementary school, he started his own izakaya and had been the owner of the izakaya ever since.
Yuuki: You spent your time watching over your father, who runs an izakaya restaurant.
Shinohara: That’s right.
Yuuki: How did your mother feel?
Shinohara: My mother was very shy and was the complete opposite of my father, a quiet person.
Yuuki: It’s like two extremes.
Shinohara: There are two extremes.
Yuuki: I see. Mr. Shinohara, you grew up watching your parents like that…I’m sure you had many friends.
Shinohara: As for my friends, I’m sure there weren’t many of them. I think it was like a normal person.
Turning point and turning point in Shinohara’s life
Yuuki: Did you come to a turning point in your life after that?
Shinohara: A turning point?
Yuuki: Yes. Is there anything in your life you would say that was a turning point?
Shinohara: I don’t know if I can call it a turning point, but I always think about things in two ways and choose one, so it’s like that. One of the things that I think was a little significant was that I entered the culinary world when I graduated from high school. I guess that’s the one.
Yuuki: I see. Basically, choose one of the two.
Shinohara: That’s always the case for me. Things like, “Do I want to play baseball or do karate?” More specifically, things like ”should I study or play sports?” “Should I play sports or have fun?” I can’t really do ‘Both’.
Yuuki: Was the turning point when you decided to pursue a career in cooking?
Shinohara: By the time I graduated from high school, I had been approached by many different universities with special offers for karate, and I had to be very determined to get into karate. Moreover, in my case, I did it at a dojo, so it’s a very unusual pattern. Usually, kids who do well in club activities get special treatment. There are some seniors, but in my case it’s a dojo. So I don’t have any seniors, and if I get special benefits, they may hold a grudge and they may be like, “Let’s hammer down the nails that stick out as soon as possible.” So when I went to practice out of my dojo, I was forced to practice really harshly, and I thought, “It’s really painful and I don’t like it.”
Yuuki: I see, is that so?
Shinohara: The teacher who invited me at the end of the special offer was a direct senior to my dojo master. So he was the coach of Kyoto Sangyo University, who was the head coach of the national team at the time. When he came to the dojo in person, I thought, “I can’t really refuse this,” and just said, “No, I’m going to get a job, so I won’t go to university.”
Yuuki: Makes sense. You said it, so you had no choice but to do it.
Shinohara: Yes, that’s right. Then no wonder I was asked, “What are you going to do?” My father was cooking, so I said, “I’ll be a chef.” It’s from there.
Yuuki: I see! So the moment you mentioned the word chef, it all became clear to you?
Shinohara: Yes. “I have no choice but to do it.”
Yuuki: Your father was happy, right?
Shinohara: No, he was like, “If you feel like to do that, OK, do it.”
Yuuki: I see.
Shinohara: He used to say, “Do whatever you want until you’re 25 yo. Once you’re over 25, act responsibly.”
Training at two famous Japanese restaurants
Yuuki: Mr. Shinohara, aiming to pursue a career in cooking, you actually went to train at two famous Japanese restaurants. How was it when you went to the first one?
Shinohara: Honestly, now I’m really sorry about the first time. I didn’t do it because I wanted to cook, so I had a really cocky attitude. But after about half a year. I started feeling upset about me being useless. And then if you put in the effort, you are beginning to do it better and it becomes fun, right? From then on, I started to take cooking more and more seriously.
Yuuki: So the things you can do are increasing, and it’s getting more and more interesting.
Shinohara: That’s right. Yeah.
Yuuki: How was your second restaurant?
Shinohara: Regarding the second one, there were times I was conceited when leaving the first restaurant as the second restaurant itself is simply difficult to get into. The final phase of the first one went really well. At that time, I cheekily said to the president, “I’d like to see more different cuisines.” There were a lot of amazing people at the first one, so they were like “Go see a new one”. I was going to the second one with full confidence. That’s why the people at the second one either like or hate me. That’s what it felt like.
Yuuki: I see. Your presence must have been very conspicuous.
Shinohara: I think I was. I guess I was a different type than before there.
Training at Kaiseki cuisine [Sangencha]…
Yuuki: After that, you will go to “Sangencha” in Kyoto for kaiseki cuisine. How was it? I heard this applies to everything from your personal life to your work and how you clean. Everything has changed.
Yuuki: Well, I see! I’m sure there were many rewarding moments during this training period, but were there any times when you found it difficult and unbearable?
Shinohara: No, there was nothing in particular. It was hard every day, but I never felt like I couldn’t handle it. I think the only tough thing was I didn’t get much sleep.
Yuuki: That’s wonderful. By the way, how many hours did you used to sleep?
Shinohara: When I moved to the second restaurant, during the year-end and mid-year gift seasons, work and meetings ended around 2 o’clock, so we had to start making arrangements around 4:30 otherwise we couldn’t make it in time. So those days were the most physically demanding. I always wanted to sleep.
Became independent after training at a Japanese restaurant and kaiseki restaurant.
Yuuki: After a lot of hard work, you ended up opening a store in Shiga Prefecture at the young age of 26. It’s an amazing thing to open up a restaurant at such a young age!
Shinohara: But again, my father was running a restaurant when the economy was really bad. Finally, he decided to borrow money from the bank while he could build a new restaurant. So I guess he thought, “Now that I’ve built it, I can’t do it anymore, so I’ll leave it to my son.” After he started building it, my father said, “Come back.” I was forced to come back home. From there, he told me, “You should do it,” and I ended up owning a restaurant.
The ingenuity and effort that went into making it a popular restaurant
Yuuki: After that, it became a wonderfully popular restaurant. What kind of ingenuity and effort did you take?
Shinohara: I was always thinking about things like “How can I make my customers happy?” Even if you start off with a course meal or a kaiseki meal, the locals tend not to eat the first dish right away. “Why?” I thought, so I went to the zashiki parlor and asked, he said “No, it’s okay, I’ll wait until everything is ready on the table.” I was like “Oh, I guess I should start from there.”
Yuuki: I see!
Shinohara: First, we start by asking ourselves, “What is kaiseki?” and then “how can we provide it in a way that makes our customers happy?”. That’s where I started. Therefore, at the core of my work, I always think, “How can I make my customers happy?”
Yuuki: That’s wonderful. This is the root of the current “Ginza Shinohara”. I would like to hear more from you, but the time is almost up, so I would like to hear the continuation of this story next week.
Thank you very much for today.
Shinohara: Thank you very much.

Success in Shiga, serious competition in Ginza, the secret to achieving success
Yuuki: Well then, we are here for the second week. Thank you for today.
Shinohara: Thank you very much.
Yuuki: Today is a continuation of last time. I would like to find out the secret behind the success of owning a restaurant in Shiga at the young age of 26 and then opening up another restaurant in Ginza. First of all, what made you decide to move to Ginza after being successful at this Shiga restaurant?
Shinohara: First of all, even when we did it in Shiga Prefecture, I never thought it was a success.
Yuuki: Is that so?
Shinohara: Yes. My restaurant is located in the countryside of Shiga, so I think customers who come from far away come here for vacation. Rather than actually coming to eat, it was more like a memory of the trip. But it wasn’t the type of restaurant I thought it would be. So I was feeling uneasy and thought, “I want to compete more seriously.” That was the reason I decided to go to Ginza.
Yuuki: But I think it took a lot of courage to open up a restaurant in Ginza, an area with many great restaurants. What was the secret to opening a restaurant?
Shinohara: The most important thing is the “choice between the two” thing that I mentioned last week. When I can’t decide between the two, I try to choose only the one that is more difficult. After all, I think there’s no point in doing the easier part, and I think I’ll improve myself by doing the harder part.
Yuuki: I see.
Shinohara: That’s why my motivation has always been the one I came out to Ginza and see how much I can do in a place where top-notch people gather. I think that was a good thing.
The interior of “Ginza Shinohara”, an interior design that expresses oneself
Yuuki: I see. I heard that this restaurant was originally created from scratch, but did you have any idea what kind of restaurant you wanted it to be?
Shinohara: Actually, I wanted to create something more grandiose and typical of a Japanese restaurant, but I felt like it would be too much for me to do that, so I thought, “I’m going to do the best I can at the moment.” I actually thought about making it more like a Japanese-style sukiya building, but I didn’t want to overdo it. I wanted to create a shop where I could express myself.
Yuuki: I see. This is a restaurant where you can express yourself!
Shinohara: That’s right!
Yuuki: But from the moment you enter the restaurant, the plain wood L-shaped counter spreads out and I feel a little bit tense. Plus, we often hear people say, “Everyone can enjoy the food in a comfortable and enjoyable way without having to put too much effort into it.” Mr. Shinohara, what kind of things have you tried to improve?
Shinohara: After all, the most important thing is that we want our customers to have fun. So if you feel tense too much, it won’t be fun, right? I think that who you eat with is more important than what you eat. To go a little further, “the joy of eating the food I made” is what I think most about. So I feel like that might be a good thing.
26歳で独立し、滋賀県にて出店 滋賀県湖南市 しのはら(銀座移転前)
Mr. Shinohara’s “Motto”
Yuuki: Now, what I would like to ask you about is Mr. Shinohara’s “motto.” What exactly is it?
Shinohara: There are two. One thing I think is the most difficult is “Continuation is power.” Another one is “Those who illuminate a corner are the treasure of the nation.”
Yuuki: Why did you choose these two?
Shinohara: No matter what your goal is, if you don’t keep going, it will never come true. Maybe you can bear with one important game but it’s really hard when it comes to every game in a season. Continuation, that’s what I’m bad at. That’s why that’s the most important thing to always keep in mind.
“The one who lights up a corner” is a phrase taught by Dengyo Daishi ‘Saicho’, and that’s my main job. For example, in this restaurant, I stand out as the general manager, but if there was no one in the washing room, the restaurant wouldn’t function, right? That’s why these people are, “Those who shine in their corners are the treasures of the country.” So if you don’t think like that, you might end up becoming a tengu. That’s why I want to cherish such people.
Focus and develop your strengths more than your weaknesses
Yuuki: I see. The attitude and hospitality of the employees. I could feel the spirit there, and I thought that was really wonderful, and that was the secret!
Shinohara: Thank you.
Yuuki: Are you particular about team building?
Shinohara: I would like them to improve on their strengths rather than fixing their weaknesses. We want our customers to see our strengths. That’s why if you go into too many details, the good parts will disappear, right? I feel like I’m just trying to improve on the good parts so that things don’t end up like that.
Yuuki: Do you say the good things out loud?
Shinohara: That’s definitely true! Even if I don’t tell the customer directly, I try to tell the customer, “Here’s what’s good about this guy.” I think you can become more aware if you hear feedback from those around you.
Yuuki: Certainly! They’ll be motivated!
people who influenced your life
Yuuki: Mr. Shinohara, what kind of people have influenced you in your life so far?
Shinohara: The first one is definitely father.’ Next is the karate teacher. Next is the yakiniku restaurant owner who has always been taking care of me ever since I came to Tokyo, and those three people have had a lot of influence on me.
Yuuki: What kind of influence does each have on you?
Shinohara: My father didn’t like injustice and told me to always fight the battle fairly and squarely. I sometimes thought my karate teacher was unreasonable, but he was a very loving person.
Yuuki: I see, that’s wonderful!
Shinohara: The owner of a local yakiniku restaurant is someone who I get scolded by. I tend to become cocky when things start to get a little better. If I were just scolded for that, I would rebel, but after all, he embodies himself as an example. That’s why I am like “Oh, this is how I should do it.”
Yuuki: He embodies it himself. It is wonderful.
Shinohara: That way of his life is like my current textbook.
The reason why “Ginza Shinohara” does not take private reservations
Yuuki: The restaurant is famous for being difficult to get reservations for, but I hear the customers can’t reserve the entire restaurant for themselves?
Shinohara: We almost never do private rentals.
Yuuki: What is the reason?
Shinohara: After all, if you reserve the venue for a private party, the reservations will be made only by the person holding the private party. If you do that, you will have a hard time getting new customers. It’s great to have a restaurant that has so many regular customers, but our restaurant also has a lot of young employees. Many of my disciples are young. Regular customers tend to spoil their employees quite a bit. Yes, that’s an affection for the restaurant, but from my point of view, customers are scary people in the first place, and that tension of “If there’s something wrong, they’ll be upset with me. If there’s something wrong, they won’t come.” I think that feeling is the most important thing. So I want them to understand that. That’s why I always try to keep a sense of tension by creating as much reservation availability as possible so that the new customers can make reservations through the reservation site.
Yuuki: I see. There was a system in place to accept new customers, and that was also for the benefit of the employees.
Shinohara: That’s right. Even for myself.
Future development regarding overseas restaurant openings of “Ginza Shinohara”
Yuuki: What are your plans for the future?
Shinohara: I’m currently working in Ginza, which keeps me quite busy. But the world is still big, isn’t it? That’s why we want to become a restaurant that is recognized all over the world.
Yuuki: I see! Regarding future developments in the world, are you taking any concrete moves?
Shinohara: Yes. Next year, we will start opening overseas restaurants together with a major company.
Yuuki: That’s great! I’m looking forward to it! I’m sure you’re getting busier and busier, but I’m sure your successors are also growing up.
Shinohara: Well, it’s growing rapidly!
Yuuki: That’s reliable!
Message to those who want to become a chef or own a restaurant
Yuuki: Finally, a message to those who want to become chefs, and a message to those who want to open up their own restaurant. May I know those 2?
Shinohara: Both may be the same. There should definitely be two options: painful and not painful. I believe that any wish will come true if you only accept the painful side. In fact, I have been taking the difficult side of things, so I made things happen. That’s how I feel when I do it. It’s a little tiring though. And there are some good stories while pursuing your goal. Your goal is in the middle of the chase, but some sweet distraction might come up. But I want you to stick to your beliefs and dream instead of getting distracted. That’s the only option. I think that’s the only way to make your dreams come true and realize your goals.
Yuuki: Thank you. I received a wonderful message. We will continue to hear from you next week. Thank you very much for today.
Shinohara: Thank you very much.

Yuuki: We are here for the third week. Thank you again for today.
Shinohara: Thank you very much. My pleasure.
八寸 お造り
“Ginza Shinohara” Top 1 of “Top 3 restaurant specialties” that customers want to feel!
【Hassun:Hassun is a term used in tea kaiseki cuisine to refer to food served in a square tray of approximately 24 cm square made of cedar wood.】
Yuuki: “Ginza Shinohara” is famous for not being able to make reservations because of the huge popularity. I’m there to talk to you now. Today, I would like to ask owner Shinohara about his “top 3 specialties”. For example, is there a point that you would like people who visit this restaurant to see first?
Shinohara: I think it’s “Hassun” after all.
Yuuki: “Hassun” cooking. I think the point of “Hassun” also changes depending on the season, right?
Shinohara: Yes! I always make “Hassun” by folding in seasonal calendars, so I really want people to enjoy the sense of the season. It only exists in Japanese cuisine, right? Sushi is delicious, but I think Japanese cuisine is best at expressing the sense of the seasons.
Yuuki: The chef’s presentation when the food is served. I really look forward to it every time, but I’m sure you’ve learned a lot of knowledge from your training days.
Shinohara: That’s right. I don’t like researching things on the internet. I can easily look up something, but I don’t know if it’s correct or not, and I tend to listen to what my predecessors have cultivated over the years, or write books that have been thoroughly researched. Read and find out. Or maybe I go out of my way to experience something like that.
Yuuki: I see! I heard that you go to various places to see and know new things. How many times a year do you go?
Shinohara: Only Sundays we are closed, so I make sure to go twice a month, including when choosing ingredients, and whenever there is an event, I pop in and say “That’s how things are done.”
Yuuki: That kind of thing also connects to what you talk about during your presentation. It’s the result of hard work.
Shinohara: What do you think? I’m doing it partly out of interest, but it’s fun.
Yuuki: I see. Mr. Shinohara, what is the most enjoyable moment at your work in the restaurant?
Shinohara: Most fun moment is when customers come over and we have conversations while cooking the food.
Yuuki: The atmosphere inside the restaurant is full of laughter and fun. Did you have an image in mind from the beginning?
Shinohara: What do you think? I didn’t have much of an image in mind, but I thought, “I’ll do it in my own way,” and it’s a place where I can express who I am, so I don’t feel too anxious about it.
Yuuki: I think the idea of ”staying true to who you are” is also reflected in your cooking. Is this coming from inside of your heart?
Shinohara: That’s right. I think so.
Yuuki: I’ve also heard that the customers don’t feel tired even after eating a full meal. Are there any improvements you’ve made?
Shinohara: What do you think? I think you’ll get tired to some extent if your stomach is full!. If they feel less tired even when they’re full, I don’t think I’m deliberately doing it, but I think that’s what Japanese cuisine is all about.
Yuuki: I see. When they actually eat it, they don’t feel sick to their stomach. And after eating it, they feel extremely satisfied, and everyone heads home thinking, “Ah, today was delicious.”
Shinohara: Really! If so, I’d be happy.
Yuuki: Yes. I feel that everyone is really receiving the energy that you are generating.
Shinohara: I see. I’ve never really been conscious of it! .
“Ginza Shinohara” Top 2 of “Top 3 restaurant specialties” that customers want to feel!
Yuuki: Next, could you tell me the top two that you want people to see?
Shinohara: Alright, I also like dishes and plates, and I use many different types of them. So at some points, this dish should be with this plate but most importantly being used in a well-balanced manner during the course. The owner of Sangencha also taught me this. Restaurants today don’t really do that kind of thing. I think it would be even more fun if people could see things like that.
Yuuki: That’s right. You just said balance, but it’s quite difficult. This is a sense.
Shinohara: I think it’s difficult. You tend to use only what you like, don’t you? But what I like is what I like, and if you have 10 customers, the taste of each one will be different. I would like to do this in a well-balanced way.
Yuuki: I see. I use an old Baccarat glass or something else to serve drinks, drinks, and alcohol, I can choose, right?
Shinohara: Yes, you can choose it.
Yuuki: It’s so much fun to choose because each one is different!
Shinohara: Ah, that was great! Thank you.
Yuuki: Did you go to buy it by yourself?
Shinohara: All of that is what I chose.
Yuuki: That’s what you are particular about.
Shinohara: I’m particular about it…but that’s partly out of my interest.
Yuuki: It really is like your own treasure chest.
Shinohara: That’s right! It really is like my own dojo!
Yuyue: Dojo!?
Shinohara: It’s a place where you can improve yourself.
Yuuki: I see! That’s wonderful! It’s a place where not only you but also your employees can improve themselves!
Shinohara: I hope so!.
“Ginza Shinohara” Top 3 “Top 3 restaurant specialties” that customers want to feel!
Yuuki: So what are the top three?
Shinohara: How can I put it? When I ask to see it, it should be my disciple! From young to middle-aged, all of them work so hard. That’s why I would like you to take a look at my disciple. It’s not just the staff who work mechanically, but the kids who worry about things around them and sometimes get scolded or praised by me. I think it would be interesting to see the growth of the children.
Yuuki: For example, I’m sure your disciples will be shocked when they get scolded, right?
Shinohara: No, they don’t really do that.
Yuuki: Oh, they don’t?
Shinohara: Well, I’d like them to be a little despondent!.
Yuuki: Everyone always stands up straight and gives off a dignified yet warm impression. I think it’s great to have a direct line of sight to welcome customers.
Shinohara: Really? Thank you. I’m being pretty strict about that.
Yuuki: I guess so. You can feel the teamwork that the manager’s feelings convey to all the staff! What’s more, you can feel that the manager’s thoughts are gradually permeating every detail of the installation.
Shinohara: Thank you.
Yuuki: I think there are many other things you would like to show, but sometimes the customers can see the cooking area from where they are seated, and you also show us the process of cooking. That’s also fun.
Shinohara: Really? The truth is that I can’t do much because the back kitchen is small, so I do it in the front.
Yuuki: That was surprising! I think it’s a great performance.
“The appeal of Japanese cuisine” that we want to convey to the world when we open our restaurants worldwide
Yuuki: You also cherish your hometown by using Shigaraki ware, a specialty of Shiga. And you as a manager are also active in this prestigious place called Ginza. Last week’s story was about going out into the world, but what would you like to convey about Ginza Shinohara when you go out into the world?
Shinohara: Rather than about “Ginza Shinohara,” I think it would be great if we could convey some of the value of Japanese cuisine.
Yuuki: What exactly is that?
Shinohara: First of all, I would like people to see that “Japan has seasonal events, and this cuisine values these things.” I don’t just think, “It’s good because it’s delicious,” but rather, “Japanese people have cherished things like this,” and “I want people to eat all of that history as well.” That’s what I want to convey most, and I hope people will understand that Japanese restaurants aren’t just about competing on the taste of the food.
Yuuki: So you want to convey the true meaning of Japanese cuisine.
Shinohara: That’s right. I would rather want to convey a spiritual aspect.
Yuuki: I’m really looking forward to seeing more and more of Japan’s strengths in our future global expansion!
Shinohara: That’s right! I think that by doing so, Japanese people will realize once again that they are recognized by people around the world.
Yuuki: That’s right.
Shinohara: I think this will help preserve culture, so I would like to play a part in that.
Yuuki: That’s wonderful! It truly serves as a bridge between the past and the future. wonderful!
Shinohara: I hope so.

Message to customers who come to “Ginza Shinohara”
Yuuki: Lastly, may I have your message for those who are interested in visiting Ginza Shinohara?
Shinohara: If there are any people who would like to come, all I would say is, “Please lower your hurdles when you come.” If the hurdles are too high, you won’t be able to enjoy it. It would be a bit cowardly to ask not to get too excited, though. (Laughs) I think it would be a lot of fun if people come with the mindset “It wouldn’t be great.”
Yuuki: Ah! I see! That might be more fun and easier to get into! I too had high expectations when I arrived near the entrance of the restaurant!.
Shinohara: It’s a bad trend, really!
Yuuki: (laughs) But when you come, you’ll think, “I’m so glad I came!”
Shinohara: Really!
Yuuki: I would like many people to come.
Shinohara: Yes, definitely! I hope many people will come.
Yuuki: Yes. Thank you for your wonderful story. I look forward to seeing you again.
Shinohara: Please!
Yuuki: Thank you very much.
Shinohara: Thank you very much.

[Question and answer to Takemasa Shinohara]
Yuuki: Today, I would like to interview Mr. Takemasa Shinohara, the owner of the famous restaurant “Ginza Shinohara”, which is hard to get reservations for. Thank you.
Shinohara: Thank you.
Yuuki: First of all, I would like to ask you, where are you from?
Shinohara: Konan City, Shiga Prefecture.
Yuuki: And what about your childhood dreams?
Shinohara: A baseball player.
Yuuki: What did you learn as a child?
Shinohara: Baseball, karate, and abacus.
Yuuki: There were three!
Shinohara: That’s right.
Yuuki: Yes. And what is your favorite food?
Shinohara: Favorite food? This is a dish made with love.
Yuuki: That’s wonderful! yes. And what are your hobbies?
Shinohara: Work.
Yuuki: Is your hobby your job?
Shinohara: That’s right. yes.
Yuuki: Wonderful. And what is your favorite book?
Shinohara: I really like Shizuka Ijuin’s books, and it’s called “The Way of Men.”
Yuuki: I see. Thank you. And what’s your favorite movie?
Shinohara: I don’t really watch movies. Maybe “Titanic”.
Yuuki: “Titanic” is great. Looks like that well-renowned scene is going to spread!
Shinohara: That’s right!
Yuuki: Yes. (Laughs) Thank you very much. And who do you respect? What do you respect?
Shinohara: There may not be many people I respect, but the people I respect are deep, generous, and open-minded, regardless of gender.
Yuuki: Yes, thank you. And what made you want to become a chef?
Shinohara: Maybe he hasn’t completely become yet.
Yuuki: I see (Laghs)
Shinohara: It may still take a little longer. (Laghs)
Yuuki: How would you describe the fascination of cooking in one word?
Shinohara: It’s something that strengthens your body and mind, so I guess that’s the fascination.
Yuuki: I see. Thank you. What’s the best thing about being a chef?
Shinohara: Being able to spend every day in a world of constant competition.
Yuuki: How would you describe the charm of Shiga Prefecture in one word?
Shinohara: There’s a lot of water.
Yuuki: How would you describe the charm of Ginza in one phrase?
Shinohara: That’s one phrase: top-notch people gather here.
Yuuki: How would you describe the charm of running a restaurant in one word?
Shinohara: You can make your dreams come true.
Yuuki: At what age was the turning point in your life?
Shinohara: 18 years old.
Yuuki: 18 years old.
Shinohara: But every day is like a turning point.
Yuuki: That’s wonderful! Every day is a turning point. yes. What are you currently passionate about?
Shinohara: Work.
Yuuki: What is your motto?
Shinohara: “Continuation is power” “What lights up a corner is a national treasure”
Yuuki: What dream do you want to make happen?
Shinohara: Creating “Shinohara” all over the world.
Yuuki: We will definitely support you!
Shinohara: Thank you.
Yuuki: Yes, and please give a message to people who want to become chefs.
Shinohara: When you find yourself at a crossroads, I want you to always choose the more painful one. If you do that, I think you will become a good chef and your dreams will come true.
Yuuki: Thank you very much for all the wonderful messages.
Shinohara: Yes.
Yuuki: Today I had an honorary interview with Takeshi Shinohara, the owner and the general manager of Ginza Shinohara. Thank you very much.
Shinohara: Thank you very much.
「銀座 しのはら」大将
1980年、滋賀県湖南市生まれ。 関西割烹の名店を2軒、京都の懐石料理「山玄茶」と修業を重ね、天賦の才が開花した。 26歳で独立して滋賀県に開いた「日本料理しのはら」は、9年の間に日本有数の人気店となり、全国から食通が通う店に。 2016年、「銀座しのはら」にて新たな境地に挑む。 2018年・2019年にはミシュラン1つ星 2020年から2024年は5年連続でミシュラン2つ星を獲得。 |